Angelic Healing Podcast
We wanted to provide a space with a wide variety of topics all themed towards healing and or spirituality. More importantly we hope that you can find a little peace and harmony with the time you spend with us. If you want to support us, or get some exclusive content and meditations, head over to our main website for details
236 episodes
Allowing Their Choice To Suffer
Join us in this deep dive into this topic, to discover the power in allowing someone to choose their fate and struggles.
Season 9
Episode 33

How to avoid being emotional, when you're full of emotions.
Don't feel too much, don't feel too little, don't be over the top, but don't be a statue...okay, but what is the healthy way of feeling all of those emotions? How do I maintain my emotional wellbeing? Daniel, Daina, and Emily dive into what our...
Season 9
Episode 32

Triggers = Exposure Therapy
Fair warning... you may be triggered by this episode.Is avoiding your emotional triggers helping you? Have you allowed yourself the space to understand and work on them? Daniel, Daina, and Emily discuss the importance within your journey...
Season 9
Episode 31

Protecting Yourself as an Empath
How do you protect yourself from feeling the weight of everything around you? Daniel, Daina, and Emily talk about how to recognize when we've been a little too curious and it is affecting oneself, tools to use in order to shield from what is no...
Season 9
Episode 30

Collective Meditation and Mindfulness
What does group meditation look like? Is it useful? Does it differ in effectiveness? Tune in as Daniel, Daina, and Emily dive into the truth behind collective meditation and mindfulness, discussing when it can be helpful and the times when we n...
Season 9
Episode 29

How do I make them think like me?
I want them to be able to understand and see the things like I do. We may have this thought from time to time but is it truly the best way? Daniel, Daina, and Emily discuss the importance of recognizing everyone has their own path and how to ba...
Season 9
Episode 28

Loving Through the Soul
Do you know what unconditional love is? Do you show it to others? How about to yourself? Daniel, Daina, and Emily dive into the truth about loving ourselves and others, and how a relationship with God can open our eyes and our understanding of ...
Season 9
Episode 27

The Whirlwind of the World - How to Stay Sturdy
So many things are going on in the world, how do we navigate it? How do we stay sturdy through the constant problems the world is facing? Daniel, Daina, and Emily discuss how to maintain balance in the midst of everything going on and how...
Season 9
Episode 26

The G Word
The G word. God. It's not a bad word, yet so many people find it off putting or are afraid to use it in fear of judgement of others. Daniel, Daina, and Emily go beyond the surface and discuss the importance of having that connection with God an...
Season 9
Episode 25

Spirituality isn't exclusive
Spoiler Alert. This is not an us v them. Every person can be spiritual, you don't have to fit into a specific box. Daniel, Daina, and Emily discuss the importance of understanding yourself, doing the work, and having a relationship with God. Re...
Season 9
Episode 24

Is your curiosity distracting or driving you?
There are many different things that can grasp our attention and fuel our curiosity, but which ones are driving us forward? Daniel, Daina, and Emily dive into the things that we become curious about and how it's an important piece to our awaken...

Awakening - Why do I have to heal too?
I want to help other people, why do I have to help myself? Daniel, Daina, and Emily speak on the awakening process, how pivotal it is to work on healing yourself and how to give yourself grace and time throughout the process.
Season 9
Episode 22

Your Team & Your Gifts
Who is your team and what are they here for? Daniel, Daina, and Emily go back to basics and dive into who your team is, why the relationship with them is so important and the role it plays in your gifts.
Season 9
Episode 21

Garden or Graveyard - Your Choice
How do you view your past? Is it a garden or is a graveyard? Daniel, Daina, and Emily bring into light our own perspectives of the paths that have led us to now and how each of our lives are much more complex than the simplistic way we sometime...
Season 9
Episode 20

When "your best" isn't good enough
I gave it my best, why was it not enough? Sound familiar? Daniel, Daina, and Emily speak on how a change in perspective about each of our individual bests may help us not only view circumstances in a healthier way but also drive us further forw...
Season 9
Episode 19

The Feeling of Shame
Shame. We've likely all experienced it on some level or another, but do you understand it and is it serving you? Daniel, Daina, and Emily offer us perhaps a different perspective to the feeling of shame and what we can do when it occurs.
Season 9
Episode 18

Grow Up & Get Over It!
When is enough, enough? When is it time to get over it? Daniel, Daina, and Emily get into the knitty gritty of recognizing when it's time to hold ourselves accountable to the circumstances and to stop letting ourselves dwell on them but instead...
Season 9
Episode 17

What do we do when we don't understand?
We will not always understand everything, and we will not always be understood. Daniel, Daina, and Emily speak on why this can occur and how oftentimes it's important to recognize that understanding isn't always needed in that moment. They also...
Season 9
Episode 16

Creating the Void for Change
So often we speak on wanting things to change but do not honestly provide the space for it and so we are left spinning our wheels. Daniel, Daina, and Emily dive deep into why creating that void is so important and how it takes some honest conve...
Season 9
Episode 15

Gifted Children - Including without Influencing
How do you help your gifted children grow? Do you tell them everything or should they explore? Daniel, Daina, Emily, and special guest Amberly lend us some insight on parenting gifted children and how to nurture their journey without forcing ou...
Season 9
Episode 14

Unspinning Story
What does it take to truly look at the story we've been listening to, the story we've been believing? Is it okay to have story within our life? Daniel, Daina, Emily and special guest Amberly discuss what trials may be faced when unspinning the ...
Season 9
Episode 13

Community - The Most Natural Medicine
Have you given much thought to who is within your community? Why might one be resistant to it? And is it important? Daniel, Daina, and Emily talk about the importance of having relationships and interactions with other people and finding our co...
Season 9
Episode 12

Detachment without Numbness
Detaching does not automatically equal being numb. Join Daniel, Daina, and Emily as they talk through some of the misunderstandings of detaching from a circumstance versus making yourself numb to it, steps to take when you've found yourself bei...
Season 9
Episode 11

Placing Connection Above Validation
When considering the relationships you have in your life, what do you find more important, the connection or validation? Daniel, Daina, and Emily discuss the value of the connections that we have in our lives, especially in those that may disag...
Season 9
Episode 10